More Than Just a Good I.D.E.A.

There's a lot of talk going on in the political sphere about equity and diversity initiatives, and there's a lot of work going on in both educational and corporate settings around diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. This post is less about the talk (although I hope it might inform it in a useful way), and more about the work. To begin with, let's operate under the assumption that everyone working in this area is approaching it with the best of intentions (even when their organizational motivation is profit), and that the biggest issues that arise in this work are actually results of bungling the implementation. With all of that in mind, I want you to consider the possibility that the biggest issue starts with the fact that we keep putting the letters in the wrong order.
On Gamification and Online Learning

I've been talking with a colleague recently about gamification and online courses, and I just wanted to jot down a very quick thought about this topic before it gets away from me.

A Virtual Hug

You can’t replace a hug with a virtual hug. And yet, when you can’t have a hug a virtual hug can mean everything.

A Response to a Pro-Trump Quoran

I was on Quora when I came across one of those typical political threads about Donald Trump. I posted the first part of this response there (regarding name calling...OP was upset that someone had called Donald Trump a clown in the reponse), but the last thing I wanted to do was muddy the clarity of that issue by addressing the other issues raised by OP in their response (lies told by people who aren't Trump, especially Schiff). So, here's my full post because I'd like to have it handy for reference if needed.