
Blank Pages

As all writers know, the blank page can either be an open invitation that offers you the opportunity to pour forth expression from the fount of creativity that resides in your very soul, or an impenetrable brick wall that appears rather suddenly in your path and blocks any forward progress whatsoever. Be it page, canvas, tape, file, or any other medium, confrontation with these empty spaces is an inextricable part of any creative process.

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True Thoughts

These are the thoughts that are pouring forth right now, at six forty six pm on a Monday...

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Some Gatekeeping

Life is not a game. Governance is not a game. Education is not a game, and Love is definitely not a game.

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Three Concentric Circles (Part 2)

Back in May I posted a teaser regarding this idea I've had for a universal social media management solution. I came up with this idea while struggling with the fact that my Twitter feed is fundamentally unmanageable, and that this has a lot to do with the tension between our capacity to process information, and the steady push of social media to add more and more content to our streams. The concept is simple, although executing it may not be. As the title of this post (and the previous one) indicate, it is a concept that relies on three concentric circles.

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Inside a thing, inside a thing

These are restless thoughts, posted from inside a thing...

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