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Gamification: Ready Check

If you're thinking about gamification in relation to your clients, workers, or students, you might want to start by asking yourself the following questions.

  1. What are you trying to get done in your organization?
  2. Do you believe it can be improved by being made more gameful/playful?
  3. What are the core activities of the users in your system?
  4. Are there game mechanics that can be fitted to those core activities, and if so what are they?
  5. Is the addition of those mechanics likely to improve the user experience?
  6. Is the addition of those mechanics likely to improve your outcomes?
  7. Are you willing to risk failure?

If you can't answer questions 1 and 3, then you are not prepared to consider gamification as an approach.

If the answer to question 5, 6, or 7 is no, then gamification is definitely not for you.

If you've answered question 2 without thinking it over seriously for at least a week, gamification is probably not for you.

Question 4 should require research and/or consulting. It can potentially take a very long time to answer this question.


Reader Comments (1)

Those are the core questions that will clearly remove the confusion regarding gamification/gameful design or redesign.

September 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAristotle Bancale

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