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So my previous post came out of what had become more or less a vacuum. This is the post where I apologize for the long gap in posting and promise to post more often.
The short version is that I got a job designing games. Ronin Studios and Consulting is my new gig, and by new I mean I've been working there for almost a year...yeah, I gotta work on that posting problem.
Somehow making games really does suck away all of your time. My gaming time has been insanely limited, especially when it comes to longer format video games. I do of course still get time in with board and card games...oh yes, the tales I could tell about the last few months in board and card games.
Most of them are actually about how effective those same media are at prototyping digital games, but a few of them are more colorful and as such won't be found on this blog. All of which is to say, that designing games takes a lot of time, and even more importantly it takes a peculiar brain space that academic work didn' least or me.
That said, I do have the brain capacity for blogging (even if time is short), or maybe I just think I do 'cause it's spring. Either way, it means that I can end this blog post by solemnly promising that I will post more in the future.
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