Life gets in the way, especially when it involves things like graduation, conference planning, and dissertation writing. This post slipped from being a couple of few weeks late to being more like a month late, but I'm going to leave the part that was written previously as is so I can at least get it posted.
We didn't even get into metanarrative or transmedia narrative, maybe next time. Image borrowed from and linked to
Prior to the work flow hurricane which is the AERA conference, I relayed the majority of ideas we played around with in a game narrative jam a couple weeks ago in
this post. I'd promised this follow up post sooner, but you know how it goes with the backlog and what not. In this post I'll relay some odds and ends around played narrative conflict in games without a big narrative, some awesome ideas Laura and Ian are tossing around for a library science game, and offer a few thoughts for anyone interested in doing this sort of thing in the privacy of your own classroom, office, or home (for the power geeks among you). Find all this and . . . actually just all of that after the jump.
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